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Every single day I go onto Snap chat, Instagram and YouTube, but this ain't it chief. There is so much influence on these apps, people who post have even have given themselves the job title of an Influencer. For me, media makes me want to thrive and live just like the richest of the rich. It makes me forget about reality and makes it feel like reaching my goals is so much easier than it truly is. I honestly don't know how it truly effected my life because I have grown up with so much media around me, it feels weirdly normal now. Since taking this class, my attitude towards consuming media has not changed much, because honestly, how do I change after years of seeing the same kinds of things everyday. I have gotten to used to it. It takes excitement out of seeing new things because the chances are, I have seen it before on the internet. My dad still gets this new media enjoyment and just last night, I went into the living room and walked in on him watching a Tosh.O interview of a...

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