Why Did Wayne's World Make Me Buy From Pizza Hut?

I expected to just watch a funny movie... but then these things just kept happening. I had no idea what was going on but sure enough, Pizza Hut knew what they were doing. Out of nowhere Wayne and I were eating together... from the same pizza place, wild. I couldn't believe it! What a huge coincidence, right? For an idiot, yeah, but for someone with a deep intelligence on advertising tricks and foolery, I knew exactly what had happened.

All I did was really just order a pizza, but why did I choose Pizza Hut and not Famous Pizza? I never do that, however the masterminds of marketing, made me do that. Everywhere there is a Pizza Hut box and everyone watching the film slowly becomes more and more hungry for that delicious pizza. There is no way to resist it. The camera angles, the satisfaction of the characters and the simplicity of ordering a pizza, made me order one. Crazy! Surprisingly, it tastes awful. How could Wayne do this to me. He looked so happy eating the pizza, I thought it would be impossible for it to suck. I felt just like I did when I was ten. I hate talking about the time I bought the PF Flyers... I didn't even run faster or jump higher. God dammit Benny, ThE jEt.
Not only do these techniques make your account run low, but it seems like companies are just taking over and controlling people's money. Even if you might not even want it, you might just buy it because you can and they have it, so you should too!  

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