Merchants of Bool, 5/20

Related imageWhy are the mook and midriff now looked down upon in media?I simply believe the mook and midriff are looked down upon because people are starting to see some sort of inequality situation going on when this occurs. Everyone and every sexuality wants to be represented and whenever a stereotypical straight couple appears, it makes people feel like they are being left out. Obviously you can't just add every kind of partnership inside of a commercial, but almost all the time a stereotypical white couple appears, people seem to find something wrong with that. Media has obviously adjusted to this because in recent years, more and more diversity can be found throughout everything, but as more companies are pursuing the ideas of equality, it seems as if people are just despising the stereotypical media. For example, why should Carl's Jr. take Kate Upton out of their commercials? Those commercials probably made them so much money. Using attractive, white females is a very common technique, but if you do the same thing right now, the media will make it seem inappropriate and will probably get some apology out of Carl's Jr.. I feel as if the media is trying to push everyone into this certain idealistic person, but so many people don't realize it because they are that person already. Media will make you politically correct, it will make you sensitive and it will give you unrealistic goals. 
In my life, I can see how this has worn onto my dad. He used to be a lot more politically incorrect, but as time has gone and he has seen how some people react to someone who is politically incorrect, it has changed him into a more sensitive person. A lot of things you can't just say anymore which I think is dumb. Somethings I might say might hurt someone's feelings, but if they obviously are just being over sensitive, I won't care at all. And that is why the mook and the midriff are looked down upon in media.


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